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Drop in Milk Payout an unwelcome start to the new season

Drop in Milk Payout an unwelcome start to the new season

The Rural Support Trust is available for anyone wishing to talk or who feels they need additional support to move forward

The announcement late last week of the expected drop in milk payout was disappointing news for dairy farmers already busy with calving and now adding reviewing budgets to the long list of things to be done.
Southland Rural Support Trust Chair, Cathie Cotter says this may seem like a particularly unwelcome time to have to review finances but the advantage of hearing early in the season does give farmers an opportunity now to plan for the season ahead.

She says dairy farmers are in a crucial part of their season with many in the midst of calving. “It is important not to lose focus on the important job in hand on farm as farmers progress through calving. We don’t want to see farmers making big decisions for the season without going through due process, now is not the time to panic and make wholesale changes”. She suggests doing a review of current expenses and see what tweaks can be made now, whilst also ensuring farmers make time as soon as possible to do a wider review of their budget and plan out their season.

“Communication is important, talk to your trusted advisers including your bank”. It is important to get everyone on board with any changes needing to be made to manage the season ahead, including those working and living on farm.

“Most importantly remember you are not alone. Feeling worried or overwhelmed after bad news is normal and it's important to reach out for help when you need it”.

The Rural Support Trust is available for anyone wishing to talk or who feels they may need some additional support. The Trust members are local rural people who want to help. They can be contacted on 0800 787 254 and the service is free and confidential.

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