2024-25 locations are here. Absolutely stoked to see this initiative heading into its fourth season. Starting November.
Rural New Zealanders know how important it is to take a well-earned break from life on the
farm, and Surfing for Farmers is all about building a strong community around that idea. Now in
its eighth season, the program gives farmers a chance to step away from their daily routines and
enjoy some much-needed relaxation.
Agri Teach Me co-founder and dairy farmer Lyzanne Du Plessis, of Otahuti, said the lessons were launched as a result of online dairy farming education provider Agri Teach Me asking online language programme provider Te Puna Reo Māori to help write a farming lessons for its curriculum.
Ag in Conversation are excited to launch a podcast series focused on Rural Women’s Mental Health.
It's important to know the different ways you can stay informed during an emergency.
Kaiako (teachers) work in partnership with you and your whānau to create individual programmes of learning for ākonga, using the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whāriki– He whāriki mātauranga mō...
Just like physical health, we all need to actively look after our mental health. Mental Health Awareness week (18-24 September) is run each year by the Mental Health Foundation.