Bay of Plenty News & Events

Rural Support Trust National Office - Givealittle Page is open for donations

Rural Support Trust National Office - Givealittle Page is open for donations

February 23, 2023 0 Comments
Cyclone Gabrielle - Volunteer Registration

Cyclone Gabrielle - Volunteer Registration

Cyclone Gabrielle has caused devastation across the upper and eastern North Island. This survey is design to collect volunteer information to be used to assist in the recovery from this event...
February 16, 2023 0 Comments
Floods and Health - advice from ManatΕ« Hauora Ministry of Health

Floods and Health - advice from ManatΕ« Hauora Ministry of Health

During flooding, listen to your local radio stations for civil defence advice and follow instructions. Afterwards, it’s important to make sure your food and water aren’t...
February 16, 2023 0 Comments

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Rural Support Trust NZ

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