Northland News & Events

Support your new staff to avoid milk contamination - Advice for Farmers from FMG

Support your new staff to avoid milk contamination - Advice for Farmers from FMG

You may have new sharemilkers, contract milker or employees on board following this year’s farm change over day. FMG suggests now’s a good time to go over with them how your milking...
August 19, 2024 0 Comments
Farm without Harm - Safety Alerts

Farm without Harm - Safety Alerts

May 30, 2024 0 Comments
Safer Farms - Making Good Calls for Kids on Farm

Safer Farms - Making Good Calls for Kids on Farm

Safer Farms recently held an online hui to support and enable farmers to make good calls when it comes to on-farm safety for our children. The recording is now available to view below.
September 28, 2023 0 Comments
Farm Without Harm - Safety Conversatons

Farm Without Harm - Safety Conversatons

September 2023 -  Up Our Game Workshop was on having good safety conversations. A key insight from this session was that health and safety is the outcome of great work. As panelist and...
September 28, 2023 0 Comments

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