Otago News & Events

Extra Government support for farmers and growers in Southland and parts of Otago.

Extra Government support for farmers and growers in Southland and parts of Otago.

The medium-scale adverse event classification covers the entire Southland region and the Clutha District in Otago, but conditions in other areas continue to be monitored closely

Agriculture Minister Todd McClay MP, and Rural Communities Minister Mark Patterson MP announced up to $50,000 in additional Government support for farmers and growers across Southland and parts of Otago as challenging spring weather conditions have been classified a medium-scale adverse event.

“The relentless wet weather has been tough on farmers and animals across Southland and in Otago in an already challenging year," Mr McClay says.

"Torrential rain over the past 24 hours has caused further flooding, exacerbating already sodden conditions. With parts of Southland receiving more than 200 per cent of average September rainfall.”

The Government is working with sector groups and the local Otago Rural Support Trust and the Southland Rural Support Trust to roll out more support for farmers, growers, and rural communities in Southland and Otago.

“This targeted support will include using a local co-ordinator to help organise recovery and wellbeing events.

“It’s important we help farmers and growers who have shown great resilience through these weather events, by providing additional specialised advice or access to wellbeing support where needed,” Mr McClay says.

“The prolonged effects of this wet and cold weather take a toll on our hard-working rural communities, and I encourage people to check-in with their family, neighbours, staff, and to ask for help if you, or someone you know, needs it.”

The medium-scale adverse event classification covers the entire Southland region and the Clutha District in Otago, but conditions in other areas continue to be monitored closely.

Mr Patterson says today’s funding comes on top of extra annual funding of $250,000 announced for Rural Support Trusts in June, ensuring additional support for farmers facing personal, financial, and weather-related challenges.

“Our extra funding provides the Rural Support Trust with continued confidence to respond quickly to situations, like what we’re seeing in the lower South Island.

“We will continue to assess whether further support is needed as the full extent of damage from these events becomes more apparent over the coming weeks,” Mr Patterson says.

Farmers and growers who require support are encouraged to contact their local Rural Support Trust on 0800 787 254.

Helpful links and numbers:

☎️ Farmers who require wellbeing support can contact their local Rural Support Trust on 0800 RURAL HELP or 0800 787 254

☎️ DairyNZ: 0800 4 DairyNZ (0800 432 479 69)

☎️ Beef + Lamb New Zealand 0800 BEEFLAMB (0800 233 352)

☎️ Federated Farmers 0800 FARMING (0800 327 646)

📸 More wellbeing events similar to the "Brunch On Us", held around Southland over the past three weeks, will be able to continue in rural communities, to ensure farmers and growers are provided with the opportunity to connect with each other.

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