Rural New Zealanders know how important it is to take a well-earned break from life on the
farm, and Surfing for Farmers is all about building a strong community around that idea. Now in
We all know dry spells and droughts can be long and relentless. Now is the time to seek help and plan for the next few months. There are a range of options available to support you...
Several new ‘Checking-in’ events to support North Island rural communities impacted by last year’s adverse weather events have been announced for 2024.
The Trustees of the Hugo Charitable Trust recently donated $50,000 to the Rural Support Trust National Ooffice, to distribute to the areas and farmers most affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.
Ballance will work with the Rural Support Trust, a national organisation run by a team of 350 people – rural people supporting rural people. The Trust has the reach and services to help with...
Remember that if you have been evacuated, returning home may not be safe even when the floodwaters have receded. Listen to emergency services and local Civil Defence authorities; don’t...
During flooding, listen to your local radio stations for civil defence advice and follow instructions.
Afterwards, it’s important to make sure your food and water aren’t...
DairyNZ research has shown that delays of up to a week can be tolerated by mid-lactation herds, and with careful handling they can return to full or near-full milk production.
The insect pest, fall armyworm has been reported in the North and South Islands, and with further spread likely, knowing how to identify and manage this pest can do a lot to help protect our...
Together with Rural Support Trust Te Tai Tokerau (Northland), Westpac are proud to bring Sir John Kirwan to Whangārei for a free talk on mental health and resilience.
Check out our monthly newsletter from Rural Support - Northland, The Round Up