Latest News

Read all the latest news here from our National Office, our regional Rural Support Trusts along with what is happening in the NZ food & fibre sectors.

Managing Flystrike and Lice

Managing Flystrike and Lice

Effective prevention and treatment of flystrike and lice involves a multi-pronged approach. This booklet aims to provide you with the detail you need to: a) Understand the pests’ lifecycles and therefore the optimal time to target them, and b) The treatment options – chemical and non-chemical – available to you. B+LNZ recommend you get...
February 12, 2023 0 Comments
Transporting farm & hunting dogs across Cook Strait

Transporting farm & hunting dogs across Cook Strait

With 4.5 hours between checking in and disembarking, keeping your dogs safe and comfortable requires planning and appropriate carrying facilities - especially on a hot sunny day.



November 14, 2022 0 Comments
Federated Farmers Webinar - Foot & Mouth Disease - What you need to know

Federated Farmers Webinar - Foot & Mouth Disease - What you need to know

With there being so much talk about Foot and Mouth in the media Federated Farmers wanted to update everyone alongside MPI on what is happening.

Watch the recorded webinar for more information.

August 25, 2022 0 Comments
Talking Dairy - Take Action against FMD

Talking Dairy - Take Action against FMD

Foot-and-mouth disease has reached the tourist hot spot of Bali, and the risk of it entering NZ on the footprint of an unwary traveller or by other means, is now a little too close for comfort. So, what are the risks to farmers and primary industry as a whole? And more importantly, who is responsible and what do we need to do to be prepared? We chat to Liz Shackleton,...
July 22, 2022 0 Comments
What you need to know about Foot and Mouth Disease.

What you need to know about Foot and Mouth Disease.

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious and infectious viral disease that affects cloven-hooved (two-toed) animals such as cows, sheep, goats and pigs. It is an animal health disease with no significant health impact on humans. There have been no cases in New Zealand yet, but FMD is...
July 20, 2022 0 Comments
Decision Tree for Flood Damaged Farms

Decision Tree for Flood Damaged Farms

DairyNZ - Decision Tree for Flood Damaged Farms

July 12, 2022 0 Comments
Federated Farmers urges extreme vigilance on FMD

Federated Farmers urges extreme vigilance on FMD

Feds urges extreme vigilance on FMD As Biosecurity New Zealand continues to closely monitor the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in Indonesia, Federated Farmers is urging holiday makers to also be...

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Rural Support Trust NZ

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